
Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I'm letting it go...

Let's really hope everyone gets well soon. I had to get the kids early from school today. I didn't think Ethan would have made it waiting in the car for 40 mins...So I went to the office to get early slips and they took one look at him, gave us a tissue and said "Okay, no problem, you are taking the kids home because..." and I said "The kids aren't the issue, I just don't think this little guy is going to make 3 o'clock" and they said, "Oh yeah, he doesn't look too good" and gave us another tissue!

Tahlia's teacher took the blue slip, looked at Ethan and said "Oh, you poor thing (to Ethan). He's the one who is sick right?" and Liam's teacher had a similar reaction. He must have looked dreadful to the outside world, but after cleaning up vomit (that went up the walls, onto the carpet, tiles, bed, bathroom floor, Ethan, oh, and ME!!!!) most of the day, being clean with just a runny nose, was looking pretty good! Hope it's not that hectic for anyone else - because I was truly cursing Mark for being at work today, when clearly I needed an extra pair of hands!! *grin*!!!! That's life...and now I'm letting it go...

Just like our new neighbours parking system. Huh? Yes. The council easement between our properties has become his parking ground for his rather large semi-trailer!! Our covenant says no vehicles are to be larger than a family car...or something like that. Bottom line, NO TRUCKS!! But it has been wet the last little while and I'm letting it go...Nobody wants to get on the bad side of new neighbour upfront. Even if they park their truck outside MY room's window. *sigh* I'm letting it go...

Just like the school class photo kerfuffle last Friday. Tahlia's photo's were to be taken at 12.20pm. I know because I asked twice at the office to make sure she would get back from the funeral in time for the photos. However, her teacher had other ideas (and plans - because she was leaving the school at 12 noon for the day) and decided that the photos would be taken before first break! I'm letting it go... Even though Mrs Dean (deputy principal) was aware of Tahlia's absence for the morning and understood the arrangement I had. I'm letting it go... After speaking with her teacher on the Monday explaining the circumstances of the funeral... After that said teacher, denied having said conversation with me, to our poor neighbour, who had taken Tahlia back to school for us, after the funeral... And after said neighbour, was getting quite miffed on our behalf and rightly put a complaint into the system for us. I'm letting it go...

I really am.


  1. Hi Lee I wish I couuld be there to help you with every thing that is going on, the kids being sick etc. hang in there. Ethan certainly looks worn out in the photo.
    Any way it beats me how you even do the blog with everything going on...Just let go...
    Love Mum

  2. Sorry to hear about all of your recent hassles. I hope it helped to 'let go' of them.

    I also hope the children are all feeling better now.

    Take care.

    Love Lorraine. xx


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