
Friday, August 24, 2012

Aliens in Underpants...

... save the world.  Yep.  It's true.  And they tend to appear during "Book Week"!!!!  *grin*!

I'm just popping in here very "briefly" (smirk!) to share with you Ethan's Book Week character...

He is a big fan of these books!  There is also one about dinosaurs in underpants... It must have something to do with six year olds and their sense of humour...
Anyway, for the effort he put into "helping make his costume" he won his class prize!  Yay Ethan!! Each prize winner got to choose a book.

Guess what character we might be getting dressed up as next year... oh well!  LOL!! At least I've been given plenty of notice!  :)
Thanks for visiting..x
PS - In case you were wondering about Tahlia and Liam..? Well I went to their separate parade as well but sadly didn't get any photos of Little Bo Peep (another class winner! yay!) and the strong man from Two Bullies.  But my little pirate (aka Cam) fell asleep in my arms and made it very difficult to take photos.. :(
Maybe I can persuade them to dress up on the week end!  LOL!  Wish me luck....



  1. ...wishing you luck!!!! Well done you you - or your kids, whoever does the costumes...methinks you????!!!! It's great your kids love books:):):)

  2. That is such a great costume. Congrats to him!/Them! Have a great weekend.


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