Jan 1 - It might seem odd that I am starting the year with a photo of a Christmas tree, but on New Year's Day, we celebrated a second Christmas, with family near to where we live. The reason for this celebration, was due to our unexpected trip to North Queensland. And all the kids (8 of them) wanted to celebrate together... In this photo, Ethan is also singing at the top of his voice "Oh! Christmas Tree". A song he seemed to sing, whenever he saw one! LOL!
Jan 2 - Tahlia received a friendship bracelet kit from her Great-Grandma for Christmas and was amazed to hear that this was the sort of thing Mummy used to make when she went to school!
Jan 3 - We've had a lot of rain recently. A LOT. On this day it rained for over 12 hours non-stop. No flooding, thankfully.
Jan 4 - Our little man turned 4. He had a wet weather birthday party with his cousins. He had been waiting all year for his turn to blow out the candles on a birthday cake!! Now he wants to stay 4 forever!
Jan 5 - More wet weather and some gumboot time...
Jan 6 - Mr "I'm 4", had a trip to the doctors for his immunisation and general health check up. He is now 116 cm tall and 16.4 kgs. And didn't cry or flinch one little bit while getting his needles. He was super brave! :)
Loving your photos so far Leanne! I am attempting do complete a Project365 also. I don't like my chances of completing it! LOL! Goodluck with yours! :)
This will be fun to see your daily pics! Great job so far Leanne!
Sheree xx
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