Monday, June 30, 2008
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Kung Fu Panda
And of course, as it really was expected, for the rest of the afternoon, they have been displaying the fine arts of being a Kung Fu Master!!!!
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Picnic Lunch...
Answer: None. These guys adore each other and always have the best of times! And we have great options as to where to go as well. We love Bullocky's Rest as it is usually quite and the kids are free to run around crazy. Or go off and sit quietly with their partners in crime!
I also wanted to have a few photos of myself with the kids. They are very rare. I tend to be the dedicated family photographer, simply because I carry my camera everywhere and don't want to miss a single moment. I have come to realise that because of this, I don't even have any photos with me and my nieces and nephews. So, with a few words in Mark's ear, these are some photos from today. I'll probably cringe each time I look at them, but at least I was there, being recorded as part of our family history.Ethan and mummy looking at the birds.
Tahlia and I having a quiet moment together.
And here they are...all six!
Friday, June 27, 2008
Hockey Game...
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
My Mum is coming for a visit tomorrow. There's going to be some spoilt kids living in our house for at least the next two weeks! Plenty of squeals and laughter!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Sunday Lunch...
It's always great to catch up with these guys and it's still wonderful to think that we've kept our tradition going for a number of years now. Other than the fabulous company, it's good to get together because the food is always superb, especially the dessert (even without the cheesecake!). Well, at least Ethan thinks so!
And of course, on the way home, we get to see the sights of the city.
Friday, June 20, 2008
He was very pleased with his performance and watched it again at home as I had videoed the show as well as took a few photos. I tell you, there's never a second pair of hands when you need them!
And finally, one of Ethan. This layout is called Balance.
Thanks for looking.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Creative License...
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Secret Agent Magpie...
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
"swim star"
Ethan was standing at the side of the pool, during our holiday on the Gold Coast, wishing he could get back in but was also feeling very cold because of the rain. In the end, I had the last say and we went inside out of rain. After all, I wasn't nice and warm, sitting in the heated pool!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Happy Birthday new neice...
Happy Birthday Auntie Lorraine...

Friday, June 13, 2008
Sports Day...
She held onto that trophy like it was a baby, while everyone around her admired the hard work the team had put into getting it, throughout the day.
Ethan was his usual angel self. So well behaved and patient enough to sit in the pram and watch everything going on around him. I really didn't expect him to stay still as long as what he did. He even had a sleep in the pram when things got a bit too much. He really was a good boy for the day...even more so, considering how sick he has been lately.
The prep kids only get to have one sprinting race. No finals, relays or ball games. That really all starts for them in Grade One.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Don't panic...
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
I'm letting it go...
Tahlia's teacher took the blue slip, looked at Ethan and said "Oh, you poor thing (to Ethan). He's the one who is sick right?" and Liam's teacher had a similar reaction. He must have looked dreadful to the outside world, but after cleaning up vomit (that went up the walls, onto the carpet, tiles, bed, bathroom floor, Ethan, oh, and ME!!!!) most of the day, being clean with just a runny nose, was looking pretty good! Hope it's not that hectic for anyone else - because I was truly cursing Mark for being at work today, when clearly I needed an extra pair of hands!! *grin*!!!! That's life...and now I'm letting it go...
Just like our new neighbours parking system. Huh? Yes. The council easement between our properties has become his parking ground for his rather large semi-trailer!! Our covenant says no vehicles are to be larger than a family car...or something like that. Bottom line, NO TRUCKS!! But it has been wet the last little while and I'm letting it go...Nobody wants to get on the bad side of new neighbour upfront. Even if they park their truck outside MY room's window. *sigh* I'm letting it go...
Just like the school class photo kerfuffle last Friday. Tahlia's photo's were to be taken at 12.20pm. I know because I asked twice at the office to make sure she would get back from the funeral in time for the photos. However, her teacher had other ideas (and plans - because she was leaving the school at 12 noon for the day) and decided that the photos would be taken before first break! I'm letting it go... Even though Mrs Dean (deputy principal) was aware of Tahlia's absence for the morning and understood the arrangement I had. I'm letting it go... After speaking with her teacher on the Monday explaining the circumstances of the funeral... After that said teacher, denied having said conversation with me, to our poor neighbour, who had taken Tahlia back to school for us, after the funeral... And after said neighbour, was getting quite miffed on our behalf and rightly put a complaint into the system for us. I'm letting it go...
I really am.
And here's a little detail...
Thanks for looking.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
New bed?!...
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Great-Grandma loved the cuddles though!!!
Friday, June 6, 2008
Check this out...
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
And the detail...
The note card and heart embellishments are designed by Jen Hall.
The second layout is about what the kids do on the cold mornings before they go to school. Just their little quirks!
And the detail...
Thanks for looking.